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Hidden Truth: If You Believe, You Will See God’s Glory

Hero Image for The Hidden Truth Behind "If You Believe You Will See The Glory of God" [John 11:40]

Behold the mighty work of our Lord Jesus at Lazarus’s tomb – a testament that echoes through generations of faithful hearts. Four days had passed, surpassing the Jewish understanding that the spirit leaves after three days. Yet there stood Jesus, commanding death itself to surrender its hold. This profound demonstration of God’s power awakened countless souls to His glory and might.

Yet beneath this miraculous resurrection lies a pearl of divine wisdom. The Lord reveals that His glory manifests not merely through spectacular signs, but through the sacred transformation of believing hearts. This precious truth challenges our earthly nature that yearns for proof before trust. The Master’s words to Martha ring clear: “If you believe, you will see the glory of God.” These words beckon us to embrace heaven’s perspective – faith opens our spiritual eyes to behold His splendor.

Let us journey together through John 11:40, discovering how this eternal principle molds our walk with Christ and shapes our understanding of His divine presence.

Understanding the Glory of God

Beloved, the glory of our mighty God surpasses all earthly understanding, yet His Word illuminates precious glimpses of its majesty. His glory shines forth not as mere earthly splendor, but as the radiant essence of His divine character and holy nature.

What the Bible means by God’s glory

The Lord’s glory radiates His sovereign presence, unlimited power, and supreme authority. Such glory reflects the boundless magnificence of His perfect attributes. Throughout sacred Scripture, our Lord revealed His glory through awesome displays – consuming fire, mighty clouds, and earth-trembling manifestations. Moses’ encounter at Mount Sinai stands as a testament to this holy spectacle, where smoke shrouded the mountain as the Almighty descended in fire, causing the ground to quake beneath His presence. The first place we see this glory is in the creation narrative.

Physical vs spiritual manifestations

Precious saints, know that God’s glory manifests both in visible signs and spiritual revelations. Consider how He led His chosen people through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. Remember too the holy flames at Pentecost, when tongues of fire descended upon the disciples, empowering them to boldly proclaim Christ’s Gospel in many languages.

Yet the spiritual manifestations of His glory touch deeper still. His radiance humbles the proudest heart, revealing our true position before His throne. When a soul bows in genuine humility, the Spirit molds that vessel for divine purpose.

Why humans long to see God’s glory

Dear ones, our souls yearn desperately for divine glory. The Lord planted this holy hunger within us at creation, causing our hearts to seek that which truly satisfies. Though mankind chases countless earthly spectacles, these fleeting displays leave the soul empty, crying out for genuine glory.

Consider Moses’s passionate plea: “Now show me your glory”. Though the Lord graciously allowed Moses to glimpse His back, no mortal could survive beholding His full glory face-to-face. In tender mercy, God sheltered Moses in the rock’s cleft as His glory passed by.

Praise be to God, for His ultimate glory shone through our Lord Jesus Christ! John’s Gospel proclaims this blessed truth: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth”. Through Christ, heaven’s glory drew near, though partially veiled in His earthly ministry.

Today, precious believers experience His glory through eyes of faith. Though we may not witness the dramatic signs of old, His glorious presence remains ever near. Children of the Most High, rejoice! We stand invited into His courts through prayer, worship, and sweet communion with our King.

The Power of Belief Before Sight

The Lord calls His children to embrace a divine paradox – faith that precedes sight also described here as “Believing Is Seeing”. Martha’s encounter with Jesus at Lazarus’s tomb unveils this sacred truth, challenging our earthly wisdom.

Jesus’ conversation with Martha

Witness Martha’s heart at the tomb of Lazarus, caught between earthly understanding and heavenly truth. Though her lips proclaimed Jesus as “the Messiah, the Son of God”, her spirit wrestled with the immediate reality of resurrection power. Our Lord’s response rings through the ages with divine authority: “If you believe, you will see the glory of God”.

Precious truth seekers, Martha’s response mirrors our own spiritual journey. Like vessels of clay attempting to contain living water, we often constrain God’s mighty power within human understanding. Her words, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day”, echo such people’s tendency to postpone God’s promises to some distant tomorrow, much like the teachings found in Corinthians and Romans.

Breaking the ‘seeing is believing’ mindset

The world’s wisdom whispers “seeing is believing.” Indeed, our brains don’t passively observe reality—they build understanding through earthly experiences and emotions in human life. Our natural eyes perceive what seems stable and true, yet these perceptions flow from mere memories and physical states.

Behold how the Master’s exchange with Martha shatters earthly wisdom – believing, as the Apostle Paul teaches, opens the eyes of faith. This sacred principle transcends blind acceptance, revealing how kingdom truth often contradicts natural understanding. Scripture testifies that even in the presence of miracles, some people chose not to believe.

The Lord reveals this holy principle through three divine channels:

  1. Trust Beyond Evidence: Kingdom faith embraces God’s promises despite contrary circumstances. This holy confidence springs from His unchanging character and faithful deeds.
  2. Spiritual Discernment: Faith unveils heavenly realities hidden from natural sight. The Word declares, “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”.
  3. Divine Partnership: When faith precedes sight, we align with heaven’s purposes. This sacred order differs from worldly wisdom where seeing births believing.

Dear ones, this transformation honors evidence while elevating faith. Our gracious Father provides abundant witness through faithful servants. Yet He beckons us higher – to a holy knowing that begins in faith and culminates in spiritual sight.

This sacred challenge speaks powerfully today as the world demands visible proof. Yet even our physical senses prove unreliable, as modern deceptions reveal. Thus our Lord’s wisdom stands eternal – true spiritual vision flows from faith-filled hearts, not searching eyes.

Steps to Developing True Faith

Beloved saints, the path to unshakeable faith demands holy dedication and spiritual discipline. Our transformation into Christ’s image flourishes through sacred practices that deepen our communion with the Almighty.

Moving beyond intellectual knowledge

True faith soars far above mere mental understanding. Many walk carrying Scripture knowledge in their minds, yet stumble when trials test their hearts, leading to different interpretations of their faith. The Master calls us deeper – into intimate fellowship with Him, beyond the boundaries of doctrinal understanding and into the ultimate truth of God’s Word.

Praise God for His Holy Spirit, our divine Teacher, who illuminates His Word within our hearts! As sacred truth takes root in our spirits, the spirit of God breathes life into every precept, bridging the vast expanse between head knowledge and heart conviction, as we reflect on the teachings found in Ephesians.

Building spiritual conviction

The Lord molds genuine conviction through holy disciplines and divine encounters. Unlike fleeting emotions, true spiritual conviction grows through:

  1. Feasting daily on His living Word
  2. Entering His courts through prayer and fasting
  3. Gathering with His precious saints
  4. Walking in obedience to His commands

These sacred practices anchor our souls to Christ. Just as branches draw life from the vine, our spirits flourish in His presence. Each step of faithful obedience strengthens the holy conviction He plants within us.

Learning to trust God’s promises

Precious ones, trusting our Father’s promises requires holy boldness to stand on His Word rather than earthly evidence. This sacred trust deepens through:

Recording God’s faithfulness: Chronicle His reliance in mighty works and answered prayers, as Psalm 27:14 states, “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord,” which strengthens our confidence in His promises. These testimonies become pillars of remembrance in trying seasons.

Regular prayer: Prayer transcends mere discipline – it becomes the very breath of our faith. When words fail, the blessed Spirit intercedes with groans too deep for words. Through constant communion, we learn to rest in His character amidst life’s storms.

Practical application: Walking in His wisdom proves our trust in Christ Jesus’ ways. Every act of obedience becomes an offering of faith.

Practical application: Walking in His wisdom proves our trust in Christ Jesus’ ways. Every act of obedience becomes an offering of faith.

Community support: The Lord sets His children in families – fellow believers provides encouragement and accountability. Their testimonies strengthen our own journey of faith.

Dear ones, developing true faith demands our whole heart. Through holy disciplines, divine encounters, and faithful obedience, the Lord transforms intellectual understanding into unshakeable conviction. This sacred journey molds us into vessels fit for the Master’s use.

Obstacles That Block God’s Glory

Beloved children of God, mighty barriers rise between our souls and the Father’s radiant glory. Let us examine these obstacles with spiritual wisdom, that we might clear the path to deeper communion with our Lord.

Doubt and unbelief

Doubt divides our mind, waging war between faith and human reasoning. Take heart – even mighty servants like Moses, Asaph, Habakkuk, and John the Baptist wrestled with seasons of doubt, facing opposition from sinners. Such spiritual warfare can seem unyielding, particularly when trials persist through long seasons.

The enemy plants unbelief in these ways:

  • Whispering that our imperfections disqualify us from God’s help
  • Deceiving us that His grace flows to others but passes us by
  • Flooding our minds with thoughts that oppose His truth

Relying on physical evidence

Precious saints, many fall into the snare of basing their spiritual conclusions on material evidence. Such dependence breeds dangerous fruit – faith withers when earthly wisdom explains heaven’s mysteries.

This worldly mindset manifests two deadly thorns:

  1. Seeking to prove God’s existence through human wisdom
  2. Pursuing visible signs while neglecting spiritual discernment

Beware the perilous foundation of the “God of the Gaps” – attempting to confine divine truth to spaces where human understanding falls short. Such shallow faith crumbles when earthly knowledge fills these temporary voids.

Fear of stepping out in faith

Dear ones, fear stands as a mighty wall between seeking hearts and God’s glory. Consider its deceptive forms:

Comfort Zone Protection: Many souls remain in familiar territory, forfeiting deeper intimacy with the Lord. The lie of unworthiness keeps countless believers from His presence.

External Influences: The Lord warns us that even dear ones – family, friends, colleagues – may hinder our pursuit of Him. Even good things – ministry, work, relationships – can steal our spiritual attention.

Past Sins: Satan weaponizes our former transgressions, using shame as chains to keep us from our Father’s embrace.

Take heart, beloved – His presence comes not through our striving but as His precious gift. Often our busy hearts, even in godly pursuits, blind us to His constant nearness.

Victory comes through embracing kingdom truth over earthly wisdom. The Spirit empowers us to cast down thoughts that challenge God’s Word. Through fervent prayer, Scripture meditation, and childlike trust, these barriers fall. Remember – our Father often uses these very obstacles to deepen our dependence on Him.

Experiencing Divine Manifestation

Precious children of light, behold how our Father’s presence touches each seeking heart uniquely, molding vessels of clay into vessels of glory. Saints through the ages testify to His transforming touch, leaving none unchanged who truly encounter Him.

Signs of God’s presence

The Lord’s divine presence often whispers rather than shouts, touching hearts in sacred moments of ordinary days, and inspiring genuine repentance. As documented cases reveal, precious souls find themselves wrapped in His tender love during simple moments. Many testify of supernatural peace flowing like rivers in their spirits.

The Spirit’s presence often manifests through:

  • Holy tears flowing in worship
  • Waves of divine love overwhelming the heart
  • Heaven’s wisdom illuminating decisions
  • Perfect peace amidst life’s storms

Personal transformation

Beloved, when the King of Glory truly touches a life, nothing remains the same. His glory transforms through:

Inner Renewal: Witness how His presence breaks ancient chains of trauma and hurt. Glory to God – one precious soul tells how years of speech impediment vanished in His presence.

Spiritual Growth: Saints who dwell regularly in His courts find their spiritual senses awakened. Their testimony rings clear – His voice grows stronger, His prophetic wisdom flows more freely.

Behavioral Changes: The Master Potter reshapes every vessel completely – from heart attitudes to daily walks. Countless souls testify of freedom from bondages and destructive patterns through His glorious presence.

Renewed Purpose: Divine encounters kindle holy fire within. One transformed heart declares, “It became my burning desire to show the world that God is not an illusion, but the most beautiful reality there is”.

Take heart, dear ones – this sacred transformation continues throughout our earthly pilgrimage. The Lord’s glory manifests even in humble gatherings. This precious truth stands eternal – His presence awaits all who seek Him with sincere hearts.

Through faithful prayer, heartfelt worship, and sweet fellowship with His people, we position our vessels before His glory. As we persist in seeking His face, He proves ever faithful, revealing His splendor in ways that transcend mortal understanding.


Beloved saints, behold the divine cornerstone of experiencing God’s glory – faith that precedes sight. Our Master calls us not to demand earthly proof, but to embrace holy conviction first. This sacred truth, witnessed at Lazarus’ tomb through Martha’s encounter with Jesus, speaks powerfully to seeking hearts today.

The Word declares that our Father rewards those who step beyond mere understanding into the depths of true faith. Just like aged wine, which gains depth and richness, through fervent prayer, meditation on His Word, and walking in His ways, precious souls position themselves beneath His glory. When we break free from doubt’s chains, cast off fear’s bondage, and release our grip on physical evidence, heaven’s channels open wide, leading us toward the promise of eternal life.

Dear ones, transformed lives stand as living testimonies to His presence. Those who dare to believe before seeing testify of supernatural peace flooding their spirits, divine purpose igniting their hearts, and glorious freedom from former struggles. These precious witnesses confirm our Lord’s promise – believing opens eyes to behold His glory.

Let us therefore embrace this holy principle with all our hearts: faith unlocks the windows of heaven, just like Peter wrote in Hebrews. Through unwavering trust in the word of God and His promises and faithful devotion to spiritual disciplines, we stand positioned to witness His glory. Though storms may gather, steadfast faith ensures we live the blessed reality of John 11:40 – believing first ushers in the manifestation of His glory in our lives.


Q1. How should we interpret “If you believe you will see the glory of God” in John 11:40?

This verse emphasizes that faith precedes spiritual insight. It suggests that trusting in God’s power and promises allows us to witness His glory manifested in various ways, not necessarily through physical miracles, but through spiritual transformation and understanding.

Q2. Does God always heal when we pray for it?

While God has the power to heal, He doesn’t always do so in the way we expect. Healing can take many forms, including spiritual and emotional healing. God’s plans are often different from our desires, and His ultimate goal is our spiritual well-being and eternal salvation.

Q3. How can we maintain faith when prayers seem unanswered?

Maintaining faith during difficult times involves focusing on God’s character rather than specific outcomes. It’s important to continue in prayer, study Scripture, and seek support from other believers. Remember that God’s ways are higher than ours, and He may be working in ways we don’t immediately understand.

Q4. What does it mean to see the glory of God?

Seeing God’s glory can refer to recognizing His power, love, and presence in our lives and in the world around us. It may involve spiritual insights, personal transformation, or a deeper understanding of His nature, rather than always being a visible or miraculous manifestation.

Q5. How can we trust God’s promises when facing loss or disappointment?

Trusting God’s promises during difficult times requires focusing on His unchanging nature and eternal perspective. It involves remembering that His promises often extend beyond our earthly life and circumstances. Seeking comfort in Scripture, prayer, and fellowship with other believers can help strengthen our trust in God’s faithfulness.

Articles: 6